vase在這裡到底有什麼意義呢editing is about assembling images for the film that help tell the story. It's not about just cutting between shots—you have to layer in ideas, So why did Ozu cut to the vase? 他為什麼要故意打亂秩序讓鏡頭的叙事功能模糊起來呢?這些pillow shot is not just the object itself,雖然沒有推動叙事的功能,但是它是情緒的落點。東方尤其是日本文化中這種隐忍、含蓄、内斂讓Ozu不會把矛盾擺到明面上來,是subtle and restrained,you have to feel but you can't describe. 但是這種conflict是故事發展不可缺少的部分,filmmaker通過conflict傳遞他的世界觀。女主說到angry的時候,父親睡着了,她的情緒又隐忍了下去,深埋心底,the contradiction is placed beneath the surface,藏在普通人很難注意到的地方。花瓶的剪輯消解了montage制造真實的意義,因為女主根本就不可能看見花瓶,這樣模糊的鏡頭意義不是好萊塢式的editing,似乎lack the function of narrative,但是就像婚姻、家庭這個話題本身一樣,本來就是模糊的,難以解釋的。空鏡承載的是情緒,并且在這一瞬間建立了一種共鳴,觀衆和character的情感共鳴,The vase itself means nothing, but its presene is also a pace and into it pours our emotion, 讓女主情緒在這幾秒的鏡頭中醞釀發酵,這個情感落點,這個gap讓我們去rethink,去體會,這種留白藝術which expresses something deeper than itself, the inner unity of all things