Francesca对tar说了“The three of us were so close”,足以解释后续她的反应,但也足以说明tar和Krista的死脱不了干系
但tar在Juilliard上课时说的话我感觉很有道理,But you see, the problem with enrolling yourself as an ultrasonic epistemic dissident is that if Bach's talent can be reduced to his gender, birth country, religion, sexuality and so on, then so can yours.

然后这堂课里有一个点,其实与后面是呼应的,就是提到了一个词social media. Tar对Max说,You are a robot i mean unfortunately the architect of your soul appears to be social media. You want to dance the mask, you must service the composer.You gotta sublimate yourself, your ego and yes your identity. You must in fact stand in front of the public and god anf obliterate yourself. 紧接着我们就可以看到Krista在在维基百科上修改Tar的相关信息。后来我们能看到这堂课的内容,被恶意剪辑成了对Tar极为不利的样子,其承载和传播的媒体也是social media。

其实早在影片的开头,我们就看到了social media,是tar的助理Francesca,还和人视频,我估计视频的另一边大概率就是Krista taylor,但后来也出现了一次视频聊天,人应该也是francesca,但我不清楚那头到底是谁,因为网上已经传出信息说Krista自杀了。


