所見所聞- Things Heard & Seen— 最大的噱頭是女主 阿曼達塞弗裡德 - 2021年金球獎最佳女配角(曼克)、 英國電影節年度最佳演員獎 (媽媽咪呀)。可惜,電影被導演、編劇所累(⊙o⊙)…可惜電影徒有其表、如果你隻是欣賞阿曼達塞弗裡德,打發時間的話、可以看看
電影講述的是鬼魂和婚姻的主題、導演兼編劇 Shari Springer Berman 和 Robert Pulcini 并未在片子裡探索上述的主題、而是暗示觀者深思這些思想的可能。。。。但是!!!!! 看到最後觀者發現啥也沒講清楚、不知所謂。。。。

The Netflix film recounts the tale of Catherine (Amanda Seyfried), a gifted craftsman living with her better half George (James Norton) and girl in New York in the mid 1980's. Catherine leaves her fruitful life and vocation in the city behind so her significant other can take a showing position at a little college in upstate New York. As unusual events occurs their new home, the dim history of the house and the individuals who possessed it are revealed.... things going worse, prompting an eerie end.
The visuals of Things Heard and Seen are very striking. Since the two principle characters are the two artists, there is a great deal of fine art consolidated into the film. Light and shadow is regularly the essential pointer of a soul being in the room or a fast look at an individual who shouldn't be there. A large part of the mythos set up in Things Heard and Seen is great and captivating. It takes into consideration intriguing imagery while additionally giving setting to the unusual happenings inside the farmhouse.
None of the pointless strings can occupy from the consistency, however a late-game thought gets presented that muddies the finale colossally. Things Heard and Seen two or three dreadful minutes and a testy air, and the idea of outlining a spooky house around an executioner is an interesting one.There's a strong thought at the center, however it battles to shuffle the underbaked plot strings and characters encompassing it.

導演大人對電影所見所聞頗有野望,他想說一個鬼故事、展示邪惡與正義的精神理想。。。還試圖通過當事人的失敗軌迹研究人性來。。。。希望越大、失望越大。。。 Things Heard & Seen 非常有限