“Failed in a sense that we have let everyone down, including ourselves.”整部片的感覺都很沉重,給我一種無力感。想伸出援手,卻發現自己無能為力。

“It’s like you said, we’re.. we’re bored to this. There is nothing left. Nothing but to realize how fucked up things are... It’s not enough. I won’t last.”
Listen to me, just listen.We all the same. We all feel pain.We all have chaos in our lives. Life is very, very confusing, I know.I don’t have the answer, but I know if you write it out, it’ll all be okay.記得在影片中,男主有提到過每個人都應該學會閱讀。要想解決問題,唯有自渡。别人隻能是幫助。
