nothing new, special, exciting about this film. pretty much a waste of Mark, Michelle and Maggie Q. although it is a last action hero type film for christmas, it really doesnt need to be so boring and awkward like this. a similar film like Nobody did a much better job and it was not even starred by actors with big names. actually the film has some potentials if there could be some twists given to some characters. but unfortunately not that much of surprise being stored for the audience even till the end and the characters except for Mark's were very much useless and nothing memroable. have to say if you are into a film with a story like a super action hero type of father figure protecting his whole family from getting assassinated then go for the films like Nobody or The Family, at least they were much more entertaining.
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such a terrbile film that i havent seen in quite a while
like before the film got released i was so looking forward to it. and finally i was able to watch the film yesterday ...