Peter Florrick的性丑闻,对应了美国政坛的部分真实案例,最明显的是比尔-克林顿,戴安-洛克哈特有与希拉里-克林顿的合影,剧中多次提及克林顿并将Florrick家与克林顿家进行对比;此外还有纽约州前州长Eliot Spitzer,任职时间2007-2008,恰好在本剧开播前;民主党前参议员John Edwards也有过类似事件。而且克林顿和爱德华兹两个案例中的妻子,希拉里-克林顿和伊丽莎白-爱德华兹也都是律师,同剧中女主一样。
Alan Cumming于第一季第15季开始出演本剧,扮演Eli Gold,这个人物多少有些芝加哥前任市长Rahm Emanuel的影子,剧中伊莱并没有完整的背景故事,但提过他曾经在音乐会上演奏钢琴,现实生活中Rahm则曾经有过成为芭蕾舞演员的梦想。Rahm还曾任奥巴马的幕僚长。
女主的名字Alicia意思是“truthful”。本剧发生于伊利诺伊州芝加哥的Cook县,而《急诊室》的故事发生于库克县总医院,Alicia的扮演者Julianna Margulies在《急诊室》中演护士Carol。
第一集 Pilot
开局相当劲爆,Peter辞职并开记者会承认自己犯的错误。时间一晃就是六个月后,女主Alicia已重回职场,成为Stern, Lockhart & Gardner律所的初级律师。她要与Cary竞争,后者后来主演了《驻院医生》。
第一个案子是皮卡车抢劫本田车,robbery gone wrong导致枪击,但检方怀疑是谋杀前夫。Alicia所在团队无法证明妻子无罪,于是抛出了另外的嫌疑人,前夫的现妻。最终迫使警局重新立案,赢下这桩无偿的(pro bono)官司。
Alicia: (to her client) You won't feel like it. But put on nice clothing. Force yourself, too. Not for public. For you.
Diane Lockhart: (to Alicia) When I was starting out I got one great piece of advice. Men can be lazy, women can't... and I think that goes double for you. Not only are you coming back to the workplace fairly late but you have some very prominent baggage. (Points to a picture of her and Hillary Clinton) But, hey, if she can do it so can you.
芭伦斯基好棒一演员,至今看过她三部戏,各有特点:自由派律师,《生活大爆炸》莱昂纳德的奇葩妈妈,《镀金时代》思想其实很开放的老钱代表;Mr. Big从来就没喜欢过;凯琳达是《雪国列车》第三季的幸存者Asha;Cary是《驻院医生》男主,成熟后更有魅力了,这里就是个愣小子,总是不经意地挤占女主空间;还有大量配角都是熟面孔,每集慢慢讲。
第二集 Stripped
Glenn Childs: I understand the need to blame someone for your husband's downfall, but I wouldn't release that sex tape to hurt you or your family. I have kids too. You should know, I was holding back. I had more to release about your husband. A lot more. Disturbing things. But out of compassion, I held back.
Judge Charles Abernathy: Well, see you all back here... Let's see... My docket is clear. Five days? How's that for expedited? And as a side note, I would like to ask for a moment of silence for the recent mass killings in Darfur.
第三集 Home
旧时朋友的孩子前来求助,给女主很多机会闪回到生活在高地花园的幸福日子。有时觉得这部剧很像早期的律政电影《律政俏佳人》,女人的细心和一些独有的知识及信息能让她们赢得法庭辩论。 这集关于高地花园的社区管理帮了Alicia。
Kalinda: Think they've got enough manicured lawns here? Alicia: Grass can't be more than two inches tall. Neighborhood association wields a mighty sword. Kalinda: Pretty. Doesn't seem like a good fit though-- you living here. Was it? Alicia: I did it for 10 years. I liked it at the time. Kalinda: Ignorance is bliss, I guess.
“Kenny's mother as my first friend in Highland Park... and the first person to stop talking to me.”,肯尼的妈妈就是Lauren。所以最后赢下官司,Lauren高兴地要请Alicia共进午餐,后者相当冷静地说:You're not going to call. And we're not going to have lunch. And that's okay. It really is.。这是一个女人的理想境界了,不一味哀叹过往,也不埋怨对方的势利。

第四集 Fixed

Alicia发现是自己这方的当事人贿赂了陪审员:Our clients bribed the foreman…. We need to bring this to the judge.
Diane则相当冷漠:We already did. We brought our suspicions to the judge and he overruled us….We follow the law, Alicia. Sometimes it’s wrong, sometimes it’s right, but we always follow the law.
结尾Peter又提到克林顿:It’s Bill Clinton all over again. Remember we used to say that they’re using sex to crucify him…they’re doing exactly the same thing to me.——虽然但是吧,怎么可以如此振振有辞?
第五集 Crash
孕妇律师Nyholm未来还有紧急胎儿宫内手术案,好讨厌她!Watching you, Will, is like Shakespeare in the Park.
所以Alicia识破她以后的反击特别给力:Mrs. Nyholm, I know how this works. We’re going to try to get into each other’s heads, try to unnerve each other. Can I give you a little bit of advice? I have the past seven months. I’m vaccinated.


第六集 Conjugal
解放死囚,She’s defending a cop killer,而且是在Peter的帮助下,一次配偶探访中获得经手案件警察的关键信息。最绝的是最后那个关键目击证人还是没弄清嫌疑人到底长什么样子,换上公牛队服就认定。
凯琳达将了Alicia一军:I know you like obsessing over the ethical niceties. I saw him.
之前也毫不手软,在Alicia流血的记忆时再插一刀:Sometimes people with cute daughters and sweet little wives do bad things…I’m not helping you on this one.
第七集 Unorthodox
威尔对戴安:I can’t fire another person. I can’t look another one in the eye and say you’re going to land somewhere when I know they’re not. 而威尔提出的解决方案是踢Stern出局:Stern costs as much as 15 litigators, so let’s get rid of him. 哈哈。
第八集 Unprepared
实验室纵火案。辩护重点开始是强调这是事故,后来改为纵火,但另有其人:We can’t sell this as an accident. Sell it as arson, just not by Ellen. 但这集的重点是训练自己的委托人如何在法庭作证,平行线上,Peter也在接受自己的训练。
Alicia问Peter的律师他有没有收买法官:Does he have the judge in his pocket?
而Golden的结论是:There is some ambivalence inherent in your position, and that ambivalence could hurt Peter’s chances. The truth is the truth, but it can often sound… truer. 他的说话风格真的很像《丑闻》里的表演。
Alicia这边的证人在法庭表现不佳,而戴安并不以为然:Some witnesses get intimidated by court. There’s not much you can do to prepare for that. 太喜欢这种淡定的态度。
第九集 Threesome
Stern调侃Alicia家的花边新闻:I chased you out of the gossip columns, didn’t I? Well! First time that a DUI trumped a threesome.
Stern吐槽不信任投票,认为那还不如波吉亚家族的血腥残杀来得诚恳:You know, there was something refreshingly honest about the Borgias murdering their enemies. Here, we just plot no-confidence votes.
Stern对Peter淌的浑水也有所了解:Your husband was set up. Forget the sex. The sex was just a barker’s tease. There were a lot of people who made a bad bet and now they’re covering their a--…The Olympics…they thought it would come here….
第十集 Lifeguard

《法律与秩序》(Law & Order)2009年播出的S10E20也是相同的内容,法官匆忙给孩子定罪并送去关押所,自己拿到一笔回扣。
戴安:Judges should know they can't get away with bias in sentencing. Alicia: But I don't want to fight a cause at the expense of a client.戴安:You won't. Get a larger sampling. Don't make your argument specific to Baxter. Throw in a few other judges, too. If Baxter is smart, he'll read between the lines and reconsider. ... A judge's job is to be an impartial arbiter. Two lifeguards to every swimmer. If Baxter fails, it's in everybody's interest to make that known. ... You're doing a good job. My apologies if I haven't told you that until now.
第十一集 Infamy
Alicia处于两个案子中,一是Childs夫人离婚案,这位夫人掌握了一些Childs搞Peter的内幕,最后签保密协议前将内幕告知了Alicia。有Girls help girl那味道了,聪明,反应也机敏。
You've been shedding advertisers like a dog sheds fleas.
Good thing we have a lot of fleas to shed.
I see how easily people fall back into old habits.
第十二集 Painkiller

Alicia: I wanted his problems out of the office. What does that say about me?
Kalinda: It says you're becoming a lawyer.
第十三集 Bad
Will: What happened?Alicia: Cute, perky, 26 just happened.

这个26岁的活泼女孩就是Mamie Gummer,梅丽尔-斯特里普的女儿之一。这集表现也很惊艳,那种不知是真是假的天真和单纯。虽然最后败给了确凿的证据,但Nancy Crozier将来会在衍生剧《傲骨之战》里再次出现。
Alicia为Colin Sweeney辩护,虽然她从内心里相信就是这个人杀了自己的老婆。Dylan Baker演变态演得也相当好,可信度高。本剧有时不给观众明确答案,这桩谋杀案就此画上句号,没有定论。
第十四集 Hi
Will: I don't understand marriage.
Diane: It's a mysterious institution.
——结尾威尔和戴安吐槽婚姻制度。下集戴安就遇到了她未来的丈夫弹道专家Kurt McVeigh。
Glenn Childs: I know that the sun is coming up tomorrow, and that you are going to tell the truth on the stand. And Peter Florrick is going back to prison. End of story.
——Peter的案子这边凯琳达的证词很关键,在场的法官就是12号顾客,哈哈!Archie Panjabi因为这集的表演获艾美奖了。
第十五集 Bang
I think I've just been visited by the Marlboro Man.

Alan Cumming首次出现,I want a meeting with Eli Gold. Now. Today。
而Grace形容Peter的监测脚踝器:This is just like Cinderella.
Kalinda: Complicated relationships are a breeding ground for misinterpreted action.
第十六集 Fleas
威尔的高光集,与FBI作战,并且是客场,被人家法官纠正好几次,发完言后要加“in my opinion”。
威尔在某次击溃对手后说:这叫芝加哥防守,That my friend was a Chicago defense. Get used to it. 特别漂亮。
Becca: Oh no! Have I been a bad girl?Eli Gold: No, dear Becca, because that would only make you want to do it again. You know what you have been? Gum on the bottom of my shoe. Spoiled little brat who will get pregnant at 17 have an abortion at 18 and meet some sweaty frat boy over Spring Break and work as a dental hygienist until the day you die.
Alan Cumming因为这集的表演获得艾美奖,去学校恐吓Becca那一幕格外精彩。恐吓得还不够充分,结尾扎克没找到避孕套也跟着Becca走了。
Alicia: How about over here? Did you check this drawer?Peter: What is it you need to hear from me? I will never touch another woman again.Alicia: What do you want, a prize, Peter? It seems to be the minimum prerequesite.Peter: For both of us.


第十七集 Heart
Will: This isn't really your baby is it, what's her name?
Patti Nyholm: Bite me.
Will: Is that dutch?
Will: In a few days time, my clients baby will be dead.
Mr. Harper: Objection, your client's fetus.
Judge Parks: Thank you Mr. Harper, I'm sure we'll all feel much better with that distinction.
本集播出于2010年3月16日,23日奥巴马签署了the Affordable Care Act,从此剧中保险公司的行为违法。