My darling, I am waiting for you. How long is a day in the dark, or a week? Th fire is gone now and I am horribly cold. I really ought to drag myself outside, but then there'd be the sun. Iam afraid I wasted the light on paintings and on writing these words.
We die, we die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have entered, and swum up like rivers. Fears we've hidden in, like this wretched cave. I want all this marked on my body.
We are the real countries, not the boundaries drawn on maps by the names of powerful men.
I know you will come and carry me out into the palace of winds. That's all I've wanted, to walk in such place with you, with friends, on an earth without maps.
The lamps are gone out. And I am writing in the darkness.

以上是K 最後的話。


如果把電影僅僅理解為adultery, 就狹隘了,且遠離了作品的本意。這不是憑空的過渡诠釋,而是實在的解讀。K并不否認自己婚姻的真實性,也不否認丈夫對自己長期的的包容、理解和支持,也不否認自己認可丈夫為自己做的一切并心懷感激。如不是,則故事不會這樣深刻和令人痛心。就僅僅成了一個男人和一個女的愛情故事,像千千萬萬的男女故事一樣了。

實際上,從人類學的觀點來看,一夫一妻制(monogamy)是(如果限定為一男一女)隻是人類史婚姻史中的一種形态而已。一夫一妻制以外的各種形态比比皆是。(我們稍微動動腦筋就能從詞典中翻出bigamy; polyandry… 更不用說走婚等等形式)婚姻制度的目的本身不在于保護男女情感或是證明其唯一正确性,更多地,是用于維護種族内部的秩序和生物有效繁衍。如其他人類創造的制度一樣,有它必然與生俱來的時效性和局限性。這種局限性又在某一時空下必然體現出來。

