"No! What you saw was an accident! He ran out in front of me! I'm not a murderer!"

"There's a dead body in your freezer, Larry!"

"I didn't kill him. I found him like that!"

"Stop it! "

"Listen! Listen! I was in Vegas last month and I lost everything, okay? Everything! I drove west. I didn't know where to go, but I was running on empty... so so... And there was no one at the station, so I came over to the office... And I walked in. And there, sitting at that desk right there, was the manager...facedown in a banquet potpie. Dead! Heart attack or something."

"banquet potpie!"

"He's been sitting there for God knows how long. All of a sudden, this autoparts salesman pulls up, looking for a room. I didn't have a fucking dime...so I took him thirty and gave him one. I just took the key from the wall and gave him a room. Maybe that was wrong, but I was broke, and that's what I did. Then I came back in here...and I moved Larry's body... His name was Larry Too. I put him in the freezer. I wasn't trying to hide him. It was hot out. I thought it was the best place for him till his family or someone came along. Only no one did...except more guests. So I check them in too. And they all seemed happy...so I just stayed. "